Brand Re-engineering: From Global Brands to Local Markets

Brand Re-engineering: From Global Brands to Local Markets
  This image captivated me greatly despite its simplicity, prompting me as an analyst to delve into its profound yet straightforward composition. It left known brands marked wherever they intervened with their messages, presence, and iconic imagery, transcending boundaries of race, language, and even religion. Such transcendence draws strength from the brand machinery, momentum, and ...

“Designing Brand Success” – A Conversation with Jaafar Hamza

Designing Brand Success.. The Trifecta of PCD, HCD, and MCD

Designing Brand Success.. The Trifecta of PCD, HCD, and MCD
In today’s competitive market landscape, businesses are constantly seeking ways to stand out and create a distinctive presence. One approach gaining significant attention is the integration of Human-Centric Design (HCD), Product-Centric Design (PCD), and Market-Centric Design (MCD) into their brand strategy. This article explores the significance of each design approach and how they collectively contribute ...

ورقة علمية محكمة بعنوان .. علامة تجارية لدعم الصمود: تشكيل الهوية العالمية لغزة من خلال السرد والتضامن والمناصرة

ورقة علمية محكمة بعنوان .. علامة تجارية لدعم الصمود: تشكيل الهوية العالمية لغزة من خلال السرد والتضامن والمناصرة
  ورقة علمية محكمة جديدة من ضمن سلسلة أبحاث #مختبر_دعم_صمود_غزة  حيث نشرت الورقة في (المجلة الدولية للعلوم الاجتماعية المتقدمة والمتعددة التخصصات( وصدرت في  2/9/ 2024 الباحثان د محمد جاسم بوحجي مؤسس المشروع الدولي لاقتصاد الإلهام، (البحرين) مؤسس معهد الدراسات المتقدمة في الاقتصاد الاجتماعي (SIAS) (راوندا) م.جعفر حمزة استراتيجي العلامة التجارية، الرئيس التنفيذي لشركة BOXOBIA (البحرين) ...

Brand and Beyond with Fabian Geyrhalter

Fabian Geyrhalter: Born in Vienna, Austria, Brand Strategist and Creative Director Fabian Geyrhalter is a prolific author and speaker on the subject of branding. He is the Founder and Principal of Los Angeles-based brand consultancy FINIEN, where he works hands-on with startups of any size and age on crafting strategic, verbal, and visual brand clarity. ...

Why we need Personal Branding? with Rana Mouawad


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